Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Cozy and Spacious Living Room Decorating Idea with Warm Colours

It is brutal cold outside. It is frustrating for many people who are facing this weather challenge for last few months but can not stop going outside but work.  In this situation you may bring some warmth inside your home. This will surely give you, your family and your friend a cozy warm feelings inside the home. 

I have a very small living space which I always wanted to keep looking bigger. Using light colours for walls, window coverings and flooring always help in this situation. However, it is only feasible and practical to change those once in a while. Since I  have dark laminate flooring and dark colour furniture, to make my living room look bigger, I usually move around small furniture and use light colour curtains for my living room. This time I preferred to go for some warm colours for my living room. A very little change to furniture arrangement and a set of new curtains have made my living room look cozier than ever. What do you think?