Wednesday, August 20, 2014

An Easy DIY Wall Art Project Using Duct Tapes and Paints

Wall art using duct tapes are very easy to make. You just need a canvas, duct tape and few paints of your own choice to get a vibrant out come.

It is not always possible to buy paintings to match with the colour theme of your room. But after reading this article, you will be able to decorate any room of your cozy home with a matched wall art. These project does not cost much time or effort. Also, this is very inexpensive. So, whenever you get some free time, follow these three simple steps to make a piece of your own wall art.

 Step1: Take a blank canvas and randomly put some tapes.

Step 2: Once you are done putting on tapes, use colors of your own choice to paint the uncovered parts of the canvas.

Step 3: When the paints are almost dry, remove the tapes from the canvas. and enjoy your beautiful piece of art work. You sure will be surprised by your own creativity.

Enjoy your beautiful piece of art work. You sure will be surprised by your own creativity.

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