Saturday, August 16, 2014

How to Decorate Kids Bedroom?

Kids are the source of happiness. They add glory and joy to a family. They give reason to live.  They deserve their own space in our cozy home. Small kids may or may not stay in a separate room from their parents. Also, you may not have a extra room at your house right now for the little one. Depending on you situation, you can allocate a room or some space for your kids and decorate it accordingly.

Contemporary Kids by Orlando Design-Build Firms Hobus Homes
Contemporary Kids by Orlando 
Design-Build Firms Hobus Homes

  • Use bright colors for kids bedroom:
  • While decorating a kids bedroom, use vibrant wall painting, matching textiles and colorful furniture.

  • Allow plenty of storage spaces: 
  • Kids need their own spaces for storing their cloths, accessories, toys, books and many more. Try to make use of closets, shelves and space under the bed through bins, hanging organizers, baskets etc.

  • Leave some space for reading, writing and drawing: 
  • If possible, arrange a small table and chair to create a reading space for your kid.

  • Allow enough free space within the room: 
  •  Do not make the room very crowded with lots of stuffs.Instead, try to leave enough free space within the room so that your kid can have space to move around and enjoy his little play area.

  • Keep the room tidy and organized: 
  • The more you keep your kids room tidy and organized, more your kids will learn to be organized. Ask help from your kids to make up his beds and clean up the mess everytime he makes while after playing.

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